Sunday, June 2, 2013

Staying put until further notice

As a high school student who is almost done with high school, I find certain subjects required for graduation to be boring. I honestly don't see how certain pre-calculus theories are going to pop up in my every day adult life. And sure, learning about concentrations of acidic solutions are probably a part of day to day life, I don't really notice it. And I don't really care to expand my knowledge of it.

I've always enjoyed history class though. Any class that has anything to do with the world outside of this bubble that I feel like I'm in is a class I get excited to go to. Unfortunately, the last history class I took was two years ago, and there aren't any classes left that I can take that have to do with history. They open my eyes to different cultures and teach me how they came about. Which groups were together until different ideas split them apart. They are just so different from what I've always known. I think that this is why I have such a small interest in America.

I have become an Asian-loving white girl from the Midwest of the "great" America and I can't even explain how much I wish I wasn't born here. Sure, the city I was born in is probably the best option of where I could have been born in and grown up in. But I want more. I've never lived in a different city in my entire life. I just keep telling myself that college is one year away. A new town with new people without parents treating you like youngest sibling of three.

One of these days I'm going to get out of this place and go far away while traveling great distances. But, I'm staying put until further notice.

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